Sunday, September 29, 2019

Starry night vs. Apse Mosaic long essay

There is a much deeper meaning to the works of art titled Apse Mosaic done in the SST. Apollonian, and The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. Both are very different forms of art and have what is known as a visionary experience. A visionary experience is known as a visual representation of culture or a meaning personal to either the creator or viewer. Apse Mosaic is a mosaic form of art done in the SST. Apollonian, and represents another representation of Christ and the many symbols affiliated with Christ, like the sheep, cross, and also the fact that the art was done on he ceiling.The art being done on the ceiling may a reference to when you die you go to heaven up above, in the direction of the ceiling. The Starry Night was an oil painting on the village of SST. R ©my. Van Sago's painting is told to represent a symbol of death, shown by the Cypress tree and the stars being an idea of death as a route to heaven. Both paintings express similar cultural meanings when analyzed more in - depth. Apse Mosaic is from the 6th century C. E. And is representative of Byzantine art ND culture.Mosaics in churches were very popular forms of art during this time as the Byzantine culture was well known for expressing their belief in Christ. The mosaic uses the lines and color very well by using contour lines and different, vibrant colors to show the distinct characters and symbols in the art. Space is very well used by leaving no â€Å"grey' area. Every detail is also in proportion to one another, except for the Cross, which is emphasized to draw the viewers attention into the center of the work.The Cross is also placed above the apostles, in the sky, to symbolize the transformation of Christ and heaven, which shows the believe that after death you rise into heaven to be with Christ. The Starry Night is from late 19th century and is an oil painting Van Gogh used to symbolize events and facts from his early life. While the painting is well known for its remarkable appearance, many believe in deeper meanings Van Gogh was trying to express in the painting.The Starry Night is an oil on canvas, which is not meant to be one to show significant detail, however it is evident that the subject was of a village which has very important to Van Gogh. The lines in the painting are more implied lines, where no true edge is shown, however Van Gogh uses brighter colors in the sky on the cool color scheme to show separation. Also, the emphasis of the Cypress tree and the smaller buildings in the background are used to show a foreground, middle- ground, and background in the painting.The reason for further meanings of this minting come from a letter Van Gogh wrote to his brother, discussing the idea of death as a route to the stars. The stars are inspiration for the title and the glowing colors of the sky, possibly meant to show Angels or Christ. To go even more in-depth, the cypress tree symbolizes death. Van Sago's death was thought to be suffered from depression and i llness, which ended his life one year after the painting. Perhaps the reason for the symbols were meant to represent his own death and a reflection of his Starry night vs.. Apse Mosaic long essay By little_doge

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